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- D E Foster (Bio)
The Shorter Version (for those on the go) D E Foster ("D") is founder of the support site Easing Anxiety , host of the Benzo Free and uneven podcasts, and former co-chair of the Benzodiazepine Action Work Group . A frequent presenter and CME instructor, D is also a member of multiple research teams where he has co-authored a variety of papers including the 2023 study which introduced benzodiazepine-induced neurological dysfunction (BIND) . In 2024, D launched the support community, uneven , which supports those who struggle with life, anxiety, and the complications of psychiatric medication. D has struggled with anxiety most of his life. In 2002, he was prescribed clonazepam (Klonopin) by his primary care physician for gastric distress, and he took the medication for 12 years without warning. His withdrawal experience was extreme and became the foundation for his book, Benzo Free: The World of Anti-Anxiety Drugs and the Reality of Withdrawal . D has been benzo-free since 2014, but he still deals with the lingering effects of BIND to this day. He now lives in northern Colorado with his amazing wife, Shana, and very fluffy dog, Murphy. RESEARCH TEAMS / PUBLICATIONS Patient Panel for the Development of Safe Tapering from Benzodiazepines, American Society of Addiction Medicine (ASAM) (2023 - Present) Benzodiazepine Tapering Research Pilot Program, Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center (BIDMC) (2023) Benzodiazepine Survey of 2018-2019, The Alliance for Benzodiazepine Best Practices (2019 - 2023) Ritvo AD, Foster DE, Huff C, Finlayson AJR, Silvernail B, et al. (2023) Long-term consequences of benzodiazepine-induced neurological dysfunction: A survey. PLOS ONE 18(6): e0285584. Huff C, Finlayson AJR, Foster DE, Martin PR. Enduring neurological sequelae of benzodiazepine use: an Internet survey. Therapeutic Advances in Psychopharmacology. 2023;13. doi:10.1177/20451253221145561. Reid Finlayson AJ, Macoubrie J, Huff C, Foster DE, Martin PR. Experiences with benzodiazepine use, tapering, and discontinuation: an Internet survey. Therapeutic Advances in Psychopharmacology. 2022;12. doi:10.1177/20451253221082386. BIND Nosology, The Alliance for Benzodiazepine Best Practices (2022-2023) Ritvo AD, Foster DE, Huff C, Finlayson AJR, Silvernail B, et al. (2023) Long-term consequences of benzodiazepine-induced neurological dysfunction: A survey. PLOS ONE 18(6): e0285584. Safeguarding BZRAs Study, Royal College of Surgeons, Ireland (RCSI) . (2022-2023) T Lynch, CRyan, C Bradley, D Foster, C Huff, S Hutchinson, N Lamberson, L Lynch, and C Cadogan, Supporting sAFE and GradUAl ReDuctIon of loNG-term BenzodiaZepine Receptor Agonist uSe: development of the SAFEGUARDING-BZRAs toolkit using a co-design approach , International Journal of Pharmacy Practice, Volume 30, Issue Supplement_1, April 2022, Pages i2–i3, KEY SPEAKING EVENTS / TRAINING Living with BIND: Research, Reality, and Recovery, Presenter . November 11, 2024. Benzo Warrior Community. . Rx and Illicit Drug Summit, Faculty. April 10-13, 2023. Atlanta, Georgia. Colorado Consortium for Prescription Drug Abuse Prevention / Lunch and Learn (CME), Co-Presenter. March 29, 2023. "Benzodiazepine-Induced Neurological Dysfunction (BIND)." Recovering From Benzodiazepine Use for Peer Specialists (12-Hour Training). Course Development Lead / Pilot Co-Instructor. December 5-6, 2022. A New You. Life After Benzo Withdrawal. Presenter. July 26, 2022. Benzo Warrior Community. Colorado Consortium for Prescription Drug Abuse Prevention / Lunch and Learn (CME), Co-Presenter. May 8, 2022. "BIND: The Patient Experience." The Long Version (in case you’re really bored) Hi, my name is “ D E Foster ,” but everyone just calls me “D.” It’s a nickname my nephews gave me when they were young and I guess it stuck. Does “D” stand for anything? Sure, but when I published my book I decided to go with the initials only. Now, I answer more quickly to “D” than to my given name. So, I guess I’ll stick with it. Who was I before all this? Well, thanks for asking. I’ve always been a bit nomadic career-wise, and I guess that hasn’t changed. I spent about 30 years working in two primary arenas. The first is database programming, including full-time and contract positions at Microsoft, Sprint, US West, Vail Resorts, and others. The second is as a contract screenwriter, screenwriting teacher, and film festival organizer. I taught screenwriting at the University of Colorado, Denver, the Colorado Film School, and several conferences and festivals on the film circuit. I was also on the advisory board for the Vail Film Festival for 10 years when I headed up their educational programming. In 2013, my life completely changed. I discovered I was dependent on the anti-anxiety drug clonazepam (Klonopin) and read some of the horror stories of what withdrawal might entail. It wasn’t a pretty picture. I had taken the medication as prescribed by my physician for 12 years without any warning of risks. And now, my new doctor told me I needed to withdraw. So I did. Unfortunately, it was the hardest and most challenging experience of my life — one I am still dealing with today. I experienced an odyssey of debilitating withdrawal complications including extreme anxiety, depression, cognitive dysfunction, memory loss, akathisia, paresthesia, benzo belly, severe aches and pains, tremors, tinnitus, insomnia, and many others. I tapered off the medication for 18 months and was finally benzo-free on August 20th, 2014 . I still have protracted symptoms, am unable to work in my previous profession, and struggle with my recovery at times — but, thanks to the Ashton Manual and my incredible family, I made it through. The good news is that I am much better than I was during the early phase of withdrawal and I am very optimistic about my future. For the first four years of withdrawal, I had a lot of questions. Questions that needed answers. So, I spent most of my time researching. I read everything I could find about benzodiazepines, withdrawal, anxiety, psychology, physiology, philosophy, spirituality, happiness, life, love, you name it. Eventually, I had read and catalogued over one thousand articles, books, and videos on these subjects. I was suffering through extended withdrawal symptoms (BIND), lost my job, and I had all this research. Now what? Well, I wrote a book. Big surprise, right? But it was a book I had to write. I had all this research and I truly needed for this horrible experience to mean something. Something good had to come out of all of this. The book was published in August 2018 and is titled: “ Benzo Free: The World of Anti-Anxiety Drugs and the Reality of Withdrawal .” I followed that up with a website to promote the book titled… you guessed it, Benzo Free . In early 2019, I was looking for something new and I decided to try my hand at podcasting. I had some recording experience and still had some audio equipment from my days as a drummer. So, on February 20, 2019, I released the first five episodes of “ The Benzo Free Podcast ” — and it became a minor success. More importantly, though, I really enjoyed it. Especially the opportunity to correspond with individuals from all corners of the globe. I can honestly say that those comments and emails got me through my darkest days. Still restless, I launched our new website (Easing Anxiety) in 2020 and added some general anxiety videos to our content. I also started the lengthy process of migrating our episodes and blog posts to the new domain. Easing Anxiety became the new home of the Benzo Free Podcast and now hosts a collection of articles, videos, stories, and other content geared towards those dealing with dependence and withdrawal. Benzo withdrawal can be a daunting, even harrowing process for some — and I was no exception. Writing the book, hosting the podcast, and launching Easing Anxiety were a few of my saving graces — they kept me busy and got me through. I am incredibly blessed to have an amazingly supportive wife and family and I realize that despite what I went through — I was one of the lucky ones. In addition to Easing Anxiety and the podcast, I am active as an advocate for those who struggle with the complications of long-term benzodiazepine use . I was co-chair (2021-2024) and one of the co-founders of the Benzodiazepine Action Work Group (BAWG) at the Colorado Consortium for Prescription Drug Abuse Prevention, which is part of the University of Colorado's Anschutz Medical Center. This is an amazing organization with excellent backing and support, and key involvement from national benzo community organizations such as BIC , the Alliance , and Benzo Warrior . Our projects have included published documentation on prescribing, deprescribing, and peer support, CME training sessions and videos, and the first benzodiazepine-specific certified peer specialist training program in the country , among others. We made great strides and I am very proud to be a part of its legacy. In 2019, I joined my first research team composed of six individuals from the Alliance for Benzodiazepine Best Practices , Benzodiazepine Information Coalition (BIC) ,the University of Colorado Anschutz School of Medicine, and Vanderbilt University . This team focused on the data collected by the benzodiazepine survey of 2018-2019. We published our first research paper in 2022, and the other two in 2023. The third paper officially introduced the term benzodiazepine-induced neurological dysfunction (BIND) which defines the protracted state of neuroadaptation and/or neurotoxicity created by chronic exposure to benzodiazepines. I've also been privileged to be a part of other research teams including the Safeguarding BZRAs team from Ireland and most recently a patient panel on safe tapering from benzodiazepines sponsored by the American Society of Addition Medicine (ASAM) . and a benzodiazepine tapering research pilot program through Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center (BIDMC) . A former college instructor, I truly enjoy the training and speaking opportunities that have come my way. I have presented continuing medical education (CME) seminars on a variety of benzodiazepine related topics and was a faculty member at the 2023 Rx and Illicit Drug Summit in Atlanta. I've also been a guest on several podcasts and support sites and was project lead and co-instructed the pilot for the Benzodiazepine Action Work Group Peer Support Training Course launching in 2023. On October 1st, 2024, I launched a brand new online community called " uneven ." It is a peer-led support community focused on helping individuals who struggle with life , anxiety , and the complications of medication . After only 3 1/2 months, we've already reached 200 members and over 3,000 interactions a week, and we continue to grow. I am truly humbled by the leaders who have joined our team, and beyond amazed at the community members who continue to contribute and support one another each and every day. My schedule does not allow for a lot of free time, but what I do have I spend with my wife, Shana, at our home in Colorado. We lost our beloved dog, Bear, in August of 2021, but found a new member of the family, Murphy, who is now the official mascot for "uneven." We love walks, travel, books, movies, spending time with friends and family, and all that normal stuff other people do. Well, that’s what I do. Thanks for listening. Best, D 🙂
- A Psychiatrist's Perspective w/ Dr. Alexis Ritvo (Part 2 of 2) | uneven 70
Alexis Ritvo MD, MPH is a board-certified psychiatrist at the University of Colorado School Medicine, co-founder of the Benzodiazepine Action Work Group, and lead author on the research study that introduced BIND. Join us for this illuminating conversation. * Part 1 of this discussion was released on our sister podcast, "Benzo Free." View it here: Watch here on YouTube ... ..or on these other carriers too: Apple / Spotify / Amazon / Blubrry / Pandora / Podbean Chapters 0:00:00 introduction 0:03:08 Dr. Ritvo's Bio 0:04:53 welcome back 0:04:59 complications of long covid 0:09:18 what are your thoughts on antidepressants? 0:13:57 prescribing ADs for benzo withdrawal 0:15:38 what about insomnia? 0:21:56 how to deal with morning cortisol rush 0:24:59 murphy says hi 0:25:43 are there any safe medications? 0:29:04 what do you recommend that aren't meds? 0:31:44 what about supplements? 0:38:55 do other medications hinder benzo withdrawal? 0:42:20 what is antidepressant tolerance? 0:45:23 do we fully heal from benzos? 0:48:02 how do you know when to hold during taper? 0:49:33 healing and hope 0:52:27 what are your thoughts on taper coaching? 0:53:34 closing advice 0:54:59 thank you to our guest 0:55:23 thank you and closing notes Alexis Ritvo, MD, MPH Alexis Ritvo MD, MPH is a board-certified addiction psychiatrist. She is the Program Director for the Addiction Psychiatry Fellowship at the University of Colorado (CU) School of Medicine where she is an Assistant Professor of Psychiatry. She earned her Medical Degree and a Master’s in Public Health in Health Policy from Emory University in 2012. She completed her general psychiatry residency and addiction psychiatry fellowship at CU before joining faculty in 2017. Since then, she has been a supervising attending of general psychiatry residents in the CU Medicine Outpatient Psychiatry clinic where she directs a co-occurring disorder subspeciality clinic. Her growing interest in the safe prescribing and deprescribing of prescription benzodiazepines led her to co-found the Benzodiazepine Action Work Group with the Colorado Consortium for Prescription Drug Abuse in late 2020. In 2022, she became medical director for the national non-profit the Alliance for Benzodiazepines Best Practices. She is the current chair of the Education Committee for the American Association of Addiction Psychiatry. She has a passion for psychotherapy, teaching trainees, improving health systems, and advocacy. Recording Info — RECORDED: Monday, January 13, 2025 — LOCATION: Colorado PODCAST SITELINKS — PODCAST WEBSITE: — EASING ANXIETY: — YOUTUBE: — X (TWITTER): PODCAST SUMMARY Welcome to “uneven,” a podcast about life, anxiety, and being human. In such a chaotic world, how do we better our lives and the lives of those around us? Maybe, just maybe, we might find a few solutions together. Join veteran podcaster D E Foster as he explores the intimate struggles so many of us experience — often in silence. I hope you’ll join us. PODCAST DISCLAIMER The uneven podcast is for general information purposes only and should never be considered medical, psychological, or any other form of health advice. Health-related information provided is not a substitute for professional advice and should not be used to diagnose or treat health problems or to prescribe any medical devices, psychological treatments, or other remedies. Never disregard medical advice or delay in seeking it. Please visit our website for our complete disclaimer at SUICIDE PREVENTION If you, or anyone you know, is having suicidal thoughts, please seek help immediately. Resources can be found on our website at: PODCAST MUSIC All music provided / licensed through Storyblocks ( uneven theme music — TITLE: From the Earth — ARTIST: Humans Win — PUBLISHER: Lance Conrad (BMI) PODCAST PRODUCTION The Uneven Podcast is part of the Easing Anxiety network ( and is a production of Denim Mountain Press (
- A Psychiatrist's Perspective w/ Dr. Alexis Ritvo (Part 1 of 2) | Benzo Free 141
Alexis Ritvo MD, MPH is a board-certified psychiatrist at the University of Colorado School Medicine, co-founder of the Benzodiazepine Action Work Group, and lead author on the research study that introduced BIND. Join us for this illuminating conversation. * Part 2 of this discussion was released on our sister podcast, "uneven." View it here: Watch here on YouTube ... ...or on these other carriers too: Apple / Spotify / Amazon / Blubrry / Pandora / Podbean Chapters 0:00:00 Introduction 0:03:26 Dr. Ritvo's Bio 0:06:30 Tell Us a Bit About Your Family 0:08:13 What Interested You in Psychiatry 0:10:07 What Brought You to the Alliance? 0:12:37 Exploring Benzodiazepine Prescribing Practices 0:13:19 The Benzodiazepine Action Work Group (BAWG) 0:14:53 Benzodiazepine Legislation in Colorado 0:18:03 Documentation on Benzo Prescribing / Deprescribing 0:19:19 BAWG's Peer Support Training 0:19:53 What's New at the Alliance? 0:22:35 What About Benzo Research? 0:22:58 Research on Benzodiazepine Use 0:24:07 The Science and Timing of BIND 0:29:59 Other Benzo Effects? 0:32:03 Benzos & Akathisia 0:35:55 Determining Which Medication to Taper First 0:38:34 What About Taper Plans? 0:40:41 Can We Become Too Obsessive About Our Taper? 0:43:56 Wrap Up Alexis Ritvo, MD, MPH Alexis Ritvo MD, MPH is a board-certified addiction psychiatrist. She is the Program Director for the Addiction Psychiatry Fellowship at the University of Colorado (CU) School of Medicine where she is an Assistant Professor of Psychiatry. She earned her Medical Degree and a Master’s in Public Health in Health Policy from Emory University in 2012. She completed her general psychiatry residency and addiction psychiatry fellowship at CU before joining faculty in 2017. Since then, she has been a supervising attending of general psychiatry residents in the CU Medicine Outpatient Psychiatry clinic where she directs a co-occurring disorder subspeciality clinic. Her growing interest in the safe prescribing and deprescribing of prescription benzodiazepines led her to co-found the Benzodiazepine Action Work Group with the Colorado Consortium for Prescription Drug Abuse in late 2020. In 2022, she became medical director for the national non-profit the Alliance for Benzodiazepines Best Practices. She is the current chair of the Education Committee for the American Association of Addiction Psychiatry. She has a passion for psychotherapy, teaching trainees, improving health systems, and advocacy. Recording Info — RECORDED: Monday, January 13, 2025 — LOCATION: Colorado The Podcast PODCAST SITELINKS — PODCAST WEBSITE: — EASING ANXIETY: — YOUTUBE: — X (TWITTER): PODCAST SUMMARY This podcast is dedicated to those who struggle with side effects, dependence, and withdrawal from benzos, a group of drugs from the benzodiazepine and nonbenzodiazepine classes, better known as anti-anxiety drugs, sleeping pills, sedatives, and minor tranquilizers. Their common brand names include Ambien, Ativan, Klonopin, Lunesta, Valium, and Xanax. PODCAST DISCLAIMER The Benzo Free podcast is for general information purposes only and should never be considered medical, psychological, or any other form of health advice. Health-related information provided is not a substitute for professional advice and should not be used to diagnose or treat health problems or to prescribe any medical devices, psychological treatments, or other remedies. Never disregard medical advice or delay in seeking it. Please visit our website for our complete disclaimer at SUICIDE PREVENTION If you, or anyone you know, is having suicidal thoughts, please seek help immediately. Resources can be found on our website at: PODCAST MUSIC All music provided / licensed through Storyblocks ( Benzo Free Theme Music — TITLE: Walk in the Park — ARTIST: Neil Cross PODCAST PRODUCTION The Benzo Free Podcast is part of the Easing Anxiety network ( and is a production of Denim Mountain Press (
- life, loss, and loneliness | unevenLive! #69
What do we do about loneliness? About isolation? About the loss of the life we once knew, or the one that was yet to become? How do we find support and connection when we can't see beyond tomorrow? Join me, and we'll explore these questions together. Listen here on our primary podcast carriers: Podbean and YouTube ... Or on these other carriers too: Apple / Spotify / Amazon / iHeart / Podchaser Chapters 0:00:00 welcome / studio changes 0:03:06 a little something different 0:05:00 free for all friday (on a thursday) 0:06:06 koosh balls and other distractions 0:07:29 loneliness & isolation 0:10:44 loneliness, my greatest fear 0:12:32 what do we do about loneliness? 0:15:20 difficulty making friends 0:16:05 the loneliness epidemic 0:17:02 complications from other medication 0:18:49 fluoroquinolones 0:21:20 loss & grief 0:22:14 the loss of someone 0:22:51 loss from medication / 5 stages of grief 0:27:23 finding purpose 0:29:01 finding connection 0:29:35 in-person connection / road trips 0:31:51 it's not going to stop me 0:33:38 tech issues / wrap up Recording Info — RECORDED: Thursday, January 16, 2025 — LOCATION: Colorado The Podcast PODCAST SITELINKS — PODCAST WEBSITE: — EASING ANXIETY: — YOUTUBE: — X (TWITTER): PODCAST SUMMARY Welcome to “uneven,” a podcast about life, anxiety, and being human. In such a chaotic world, how do we better our lives and the lives of those around us? Maybe, just maybe, we might find a few solutions together. Join veteran podcaster D E Foster as he explores the intimate struggles so many of us experience — often in silence. I hope you’ll join us. PODCAST DISCLAIMER The uneven podcast is for general information purposes only and should never be considered medical, psychological, or any other form of health advice. Health-related information provided is not a substitute for professional advice and should not be used to diagnose or treat health problems or to prescribe any medical devices, psychological treatments, or other remedies. Never disregard medical advice or delay in seeking it. Please visit our website for our complete disclaimer at SUICIDE PREVENTION If you, or anyone you know, is having suicidal thoughts, please seek help immediately. Resources can be found on our website at: PODCAST MUSIC All music provided / licensed through Storyblocks ( uneven theme music — TITLE: From the Earth — ARTIST: Humans Win — PUBLISHER: Lance Conrad (BMI) PODCAST PRODUCTION The Uneven Podcast is part of the Easing Anxiety network ( and is a production of Denim Mountain Press (
- opinion, conversation, and arguing for our limitations | unevenLive! #68
In today's live recording of uneven, we explore support sites and the debate over censoring content, we examine cognitive distortions and the drive to argue for our limitations, and we share our concern for recent victims of disaster. Join us. Listen here on our primary podcast carriers: Podbean and YouTube ... Or on these other carriers too: Apple / Spotify / Amazon / iHeart / Podchaser Chapters 0:00:00 welcome to unevenLive 0:01:28 news from 0:03:24 california wildfires 0:04:28 ideas from the uneven community 0:05:31 growing our site and spaces 0:07:53 politics, divisiveness, and conversation 0:11:00 opinions about the opinion space 0:13:54 why we have spaces at uneven 0:16:23 learning from others 0:17:27 meeting people without pretense 0:18:41 back to opinion 0:20:11 sharing our struggles and symptoms 0:23:49 checking in on the chat room 0:24:56 looping thoughts 0:26:52 the looping "yeah, but…" 0:27:42 arguing for our limitations 0:30:38 the disadvantaged olympics 0:32:26 a good time for self-reflection 0:35:38 the idea of unevenLive 0:36:52 wrapping things up References the uneven community — — A support community for those struggling with life, anxiety, or medication. Recording Info — RECORDED: Thursday, January 9, 2025 — LOCATION: Colorado The Podcast PODCAST SITELINKS — PODCAST WEBSITE: — EASING ANXIETY: — YOUTUBE: — X (TWITTER): PODCAST SUMMARY Welcome to “uneven,” a podcast about life, anxiety, and being human. In such a chaotic world, how do we better our lives and the lives of those around us? Maybe, just maybe, we might find a few solutions together. Join veteran podcaster D E Foster as he explores the intimate struggles so many of us experience — often in silence. I hope you’ll join us. PODCAST DISCLAIMER The uneven podcast is for general information purposes only and should never be considered medical, psychological, or any other form of health advice. Health-related information provided is not a substitute for professional advice and should not be used to diagnose or treat health problems or to prescribe any medical devices, psychological treatments, or other remedies. Never disregard medical advice or delay in seeking it. Please visit our website for our complete disclaimer at SUICIDE PREVENTION If you, or anyone you know, is having suicidal thoughts, please seek help immediately. Resources can be found on our website at: PODCAST MUSIC All music provided / licensed through Storyblocks ( uneven theme music — TITLE: From the Earth — ARTIST: Humans Win — PUBLISHER: Lance Conrad (BMI) PODCAST PRODUCTION The Uneven Podcast is part of the Easing Anxiety network ( and is a production of Denim Mountain Press (
- priming the pump of emotional release | anxiety log | uneven 67
Sometimes our physical and psychological symptoms are simply signs of built up tension, built up emotion, built up grief. Releasing these emotions is cathartic, but not always easy. Sometimes we need to prime the pump. Listen here on our primary podcast carriers: Podbean and YouTube ... Or on these other carriers too: Apple / Spotify / Amazon / iHeart / Podchaser Chapters 0:00:00 another sleepless night 0:01:24 building tension and emotion 0:02:14 forcing the issue 0:02:58 "pay it forward" 0:04:20 the thing about emotional releases 0:05:35 i forgive you 0:07:42 my deep breathing sob 0:08:12 please let me be trapped in here for ever 0:10:01 processing grief 0:11:26 trapped in a broken body 0:11:57 finding support to ease the burden 0:13:29 imperfect 0:15:05 wrapping it up Recording Info — RECORDED: Sunday, January 5, 2025 — LOCATION: Colorado The Podcast PODCAST SITELINKS — PODCAST WEBSITE: — EASING ANXIETY: — YOUTUBE: — X (TWITTER): PODCAST SUMMARY Welcome to “uneven,” a podcast about life, anxiety, and being human. In such a chaotic world, how do we better our lives and the lives of those around us? Maybe, just maybe, we might find a few solutions together. Join veteran podcaster D E Foster as he explores the intimate struggles so many of us experience — often in silence. I hope you’ll join us. PODCAST DISCLAIMER The uneven podcast is for general information purposes only and should never be considered medical, psychological, or any other form of health advice. Health-related information provided is not a substitute for professional advice and should not be used to diagnose or treat health problems or to prescribe any medical devices, psychological treatments, or other remedies. Never disregard medical advice or delay in seeking it. Please visit our website for our complete disclaimer at SUICIDE PREVENTION If you, or anyone you know, is having suicidal thoughts, please seek help immediately. Resources can be found on our website at: PODCAST MUSIC All music provided / licensed through Storyblocks ( uneven theme music — TITLE: From the Earth — ARTIST: Humans Win — PUBLISHER: Lance Conrad (BMI) PODCAST PRODUCTION The Uneven Podcast is part of the Easing Anxiety network ( and is a production of Denim Mountain Press (
- anger: how to live with it, and without it | unevenLive! | uneven 66
Anger arises from a variety of sources. How do we process it? How do we live with it? And most of all, how do we let it go? In today's episode, we explore this topic along with a glance at the past holiday and a gaze into the promising new year. Join us. Listen here on our primary podcast carriers: Podbean and YouTube ... Or on these other carriers too: Apple / Spotify / Amazon / iHeart / Podchaser Chapters 0:00:00 welcome to uneven 0:00:49 gratitude: a new space at uneven 0:03:06 getting back to work 0:04:44 uneven, a good vibe 0:06:15 building uneven 0:10:26 technical glitch 0:11:16 welcome to 2025 0:12:01 holiday expectations 0:14:44 expectations and hope 0:16:30 overcoming anger 0:17:25 five stages of grief 0:19:16 our lives have changed, and we're angry 0:21:56 finding answers all over the place 0:23:03 don't bite the hook 0:24:17 the cow in the parking lot 0:29:54 how we perceive events in our lives 0:32:08 most doctors don't want to harm you 0:34:06 finding a way to move forward 0:35:28 the five stages of grief path 0:37:23 acceptance / making the best of it 0:38:53 it's like drinking poison… 0:41:23 wrapping things up References Don't Bite the Hook: Finding Freedom from Anger, Resentment, and Other Destructive Emotion — — Lecture by Pema Chodron On Death and Dying: What the Dying Have to Teach Doctors, Nurses, Clergy, & Their Own Families — — Book by Elisabeth Kubler-Ross, M.D. The Cow in the Parking Lot: A Zen Approach to Overcoming Anger — — Book by Leonard Scheff and Susan Edmiston uneven — — A community supporting those struggling with life, anxiety, medication. Recording Info — RECORDED: Tuesday, January 2, 2024 — LOCATION: Colorado The Podcast PODCAST SITELINKS — PODCAST WEBSITE: — EASING ANXIETY: — YOUTUBE: — X (TWITTER): PODCAST SUMMARY Welcome to “uneven,” a podcast about life, anxiety, and being human. In such a chaotic world, how do we better our lives and the lives of those around us? Maybe, just maybe, we might find a few solutions together. Join veteran podcaster D E Foster as he explores the intimate struggles so many of us experience — often in silence. I hope you’ll join us. PODCAST DISCLAIMER The uneven podcast is for general information purposes only and should never be considered medical, psychological, or any other form of health advice. Health-related information provided is not a substitute for professional advice and should not be used to diagnose or treat health problems or to prescribe any medical devices, psychological treatments, or other remedies. Never disregard medical advice or delay in seeking it. Please visit our website for our complete disclaimer at SUICIDE PREVENTION If you, or anyone you know, is having suicidal thoughts, please seek help immediately. Resources can be found on our website at: PODCAST MUSIC All music provided / licensed through Storyblocks ( uneven theme music — TITLE: From the Earth — ARTIST: Humans Win — PUBLISHER: Lance Conrad (BMI) PODCAST PRODUCTION The Uneven Podcast is part of the Easing Anxiety network ( and is a production of Denim Mountain Press (
- support groups & enjoying life again | unevenLive! | uneven 65
So after our experience with anxiety and meds, can we enjoy life again? Can we trust our bodies? Our minds? Will the fear always be with us? In today's episode, we explore this transition and take a look behind the scenes of support organizations. I hope you'll join us. Listen here on our primary podcast carriers: Podbean and YouTube ... Or on these other carriers too: Apple / Spotify / Amazon / iHeart / Podchaser Chapters 0:00:00 welcome & happy holidays 0:00:38 how was your holiday? 0:05:02 introduction to the koosh ball 0:07:58 the restless night episode 0:10:50 how do you accept and enjoy life again? 0:12:57 symptom memories 0:15:55 tip 1: we get better 0:17:15 tip 2: it's our body healing 0:18:21 tip 3: decide how you want to live / CBT 0:20:35 symptoms fade, sometimes unnoticed 0:23:46 the people's community 0:26:04 working with other organizations 0:27:07 exposure to other support groups 0:29:01 our approach to the support community 0:31:48 a community for the whole person 0:33:00 it takes all of us 0:35:12 finding a support group 0:38:33 a place of open expression 0:40:51 wrapping things up References the uneven community — — join us now. Free through the end of January 2025. Recording Info — RECORDED: Thursday, December 26, 2024 — LOCATION: Colorado The Podcast PODCAST SITELINKS — PODCAST WEBSITE: — EASING ANXIETY: — YOUTUBE: — X (TWITTER): PODCAST SUMMARY Welcome to “uneven,” a podcast about life, anxiety, and being human. In such a chaotic world, how do we better our lives and the lives of those around us? Maybe, just maybe, we might find a few solutions together. Join veteran podcaster D E Foster as he explores the intimate struggles so many of us experience — often in silence. I hope you’ll join us. PODCAST DISCLAIMER The uneven podcast is for general information purposes only and should never be considered medical, psychological, or any other form of health advice. Health-related information provided is not a substitute for professional advice and should not be used to diagnose or treat health problems or to prescribe any medical devices, psychological treatments, or other remedies. Never disregard medical advice or delay in seeking it. Please visit our website for our complete disclaimer at SUICIDE PREVENTION If you, or anyone you know, is having suicidal thoughts, please seek help immediately. Resources can be found on our website at: PODCAST MUSIC All music provided / licensed through Storyblocks ( uneven theme music — TITLE: From the Earth — ARTIST: Humans Win — PUBLISHER: Lance Conrad (BMI) PODCAST PRODUCTION The Uneven Podcast is part of the Easing Anxiety network ( and is a production of Denim Mountain Press (
- recording ruminations on a restless night | anxiety log | uneven 64
So, you can't sleep? Thoughts are endless, energy is relentless, and comfort has evaded you. What do you do when insomnia strikes? As for me, I record a podcast. Join me for one of our classic recordings on a restless night of rumination. Listen here on our primary podcast carriers: Podbean and YouTube ... Or on these other carriers too: Apple / Spotify / Amazon / iHeart / Podchaser Chapters 0:00:00 i can't sleep (12:54 am) 0:01:00 my two choices on a sleepless night 0:02:42 insomnia, akathisia, & nerve pain 0:05:42 the rumination rhumba 0:08:57 the little green light 0:10:16 where are you at? / finding sleep 0:12:00 the sleep window 0:13:52 the times we feel most alone 0:16:23 bob ross and happy accidents 0:19:40 fear, pain, and the unknown 0:21:44 a mindful approach 0:25:51 it's all gonna be okay 0:27:22 what if this is a happy accident? 0:28:55 the akathisia is back (2:14 am) 0:31:17 videos, podcasts, and some sleep 0:33:06 thinking & theories 0:34:50 society's serious shift 0:35:58 "the martian," a comedy? 0:38:20 the progression of james bond 0:39:26 the change in color 0:42:45 old sitcoms & a little bit of levity 0:46:29 a movie geek 0:47:46 the snipe hunt begins (3:09 am) 0:50:13 what did i eat? 0:52:17 what else did i do? 0:53:26 we're all looking for answers 0:55:42 time to let murphy out (6:46 am) 0:56:21 sometimes we just don't sleep well 0:57:33 time to record a different episode of the podcast 0:58:32 thank you References the uneven community — — Free access through January 31, 2025 Recording Info — RECORDED: Wednesday, December 18, 2024 — LOCATION: Colorado The Podcast PODCAST SITELINKS — PODCAST WEBSITE: — EASING ANXIETY: — YOUTUBE: — X (TWITTER): PODCAST SUMMARY Welcome to “uneven,” a podcast about life, anxiety, and being human. In such a chaotic world, how do we better our lives and the lives of those around us? Maybe, just maybe, we might find a few solutions together. Join veteran podcaster D E Foster as he explores the intimate struggles so many of us experience — often in silence. I hope you’ll join us. PODCAST DISCLAIMER The uneven podcast is for general information purposes only and should never be considered medical, psychological, or any other form of health advice. Health-related information provided is not a substitute for professional advice and should not be used to diagnose or treat health problems or to prescribe any medical devices, psychological treatments, or other remedies. Never disregard medical advice or delay in seeking it. Please visit our website for our complete disclaimer at SUICIDE PREVENTION If you, or anyone you know, is having suicidal thoughts, please seek help immediately. Resources can be found on our website at: PODCAST MUSIC All music provided / licensed through Storyblocks ( uneven theme music — TITLE: From the Earth — ARTIST: Humans Win — PUBLISHER: Lance Conrad (BMI) PODCAST PRODUCTION The Uneven Podcast is part of the Easing Anxiety network ( and is a production of Denim Mountain Press (
- Conversation with Jake Ressler (Life Beyond Benzos) | Benzo Free 140
Jacob Ressler is a licensed social worker, head moderator for the benzorecovery community on Reddit, and author of the book and founder of the support site, "Life Beyond Benzos." This is a great discussion. Join us. Listen here on YouTube ... Or on these other carriers too: Apple / Spotify / Amazon / Blubrry / Pandora / Podbean Chapters 0:00:00 Introduction 0:01:15 About the Chair 0:01:56 Theater Background 0:04:00 Jake's Benzo Story 0:10:10 Jake's Book: "Life Beyond Benzos" 0:16:45 Working in the Support Groups 0:19:51 Reddit Subgroup 0:29:01 Open Expression vs. Censorship in Support 0:30:19 There's No One Path 0:31:03 "Amy" the Amygdala 0:35:24 The Hero of Your Own Recovery 0:36:37 Intermission: A Technical Interruption 0:37:05 Intermission: A Bit About Our Community (uneven) 0:39:19 Intermission: A Brief Meditation 0:44:31 Intermission: And I'm Still Talking / Studio Tour 0:46:13 And Jake Returns! 0:48:33 Jake's Website and Coaching 0:52:46 It's About Giving Back 0:56:09 Jakes Clients & Their Caregivers 0:58:31 Free vs. Paid Support 1:04:23 Where You Can Find Jake 1:11:57 Jake's Closing Words of Advice References BOOK: "Life Beyond Benzos" — — by Jacob Ressler Life Beyond Benzos Recovery Coaching Services — — Founded by Jacob Ressler r/benzorecovery — — Benzo Recovery Reddit Group Recording Info — RECORDED: Monday, December 9, 2024 — LOCATION: Colorado The Podcast PODCAST SITELINKS — PODCAST WEBSITE: — EASING ANXIETY: — YOUTUBE: — X (TWITTER): PODCAST SUMMARY This podcast is dedicated to those who struggle with side effects, dependence, and withdrawal from benzos, a group of drugs from the benzodiazepine and nonbenzodiazepine classes, better known as anti-anxiety drugs, sleeping pills, sedatives, and minor tranquilizers. Their common brand names include Ambien, Ativan, Klonopin, Lunesta, Valium, and Xanax. PODCAST DISCLAIMER The Benzo Free podcast is for general information purposes only and should never be considered medical, psychological, or any other form of health advice. Health-related information provided is not a substitute for professional advice and should not be used to diagnose or treat health problems or to prescribe any medical devices, psychological treatments, or other remedies. Never disregard medical advice or delay in seeking it. Please visit our website for our complete disclaimer at SUICIDE PREVENTION If you, or anyone you know, is having suicidal thoughts, please seek help immediately. Resources can be found on our website at: PODCAST MUSIC All music provided / licensed through Storyblocks ( Benzo Free Theme Music — TITLE: Walk in the Park — ARTIST: Neil Cross PODCAST PRODUCTION The Benzo Free Podcast is part of the Easing Anxiety network ( and is a production of Denim Mountain Press (
- guidelines, perspectives, and how we view the world | unevenLive! | uneven 63
Do you see the world around you as friend or foe? Do you believe there is one path, or many? Do you welcome differing opinions, or is that thought overwhelming? Join D as he reviews a few guidelines from the uneven community as they might apply to life. Listen here on our primary podcast carriers: Podbean and YouTube ... Or on these other carriers too: Apple / Spotify / Amazon / iHeart / Podchaser Chapters 0:00:00 welcome to uneven live 0:01:26 join us at uneven / free access another month 0:04:00 another sleepless night (insomnia) 0:07:13 happy holidays 0:07:57 jotting down ideas 0:09:11 how do you see the world? friend or foe 0:13:58 my approach (as a friend) 0:14:52 changing our perspective, our mindset 0:17:07 a look at our community guidelines 0:19:54 say hello to santa 0:21:57 back to the guidelines 0:22:51 a friendly space 0:25:47 everyone is different 0:28:50 compassionate responsibility 0:31:52 open & honest conversations 0:34:23 balance, moderation & common sense 0:36:08 respect personal privacy 0:37:43 no medical advice 0:38:41 comments - harm from doctors / big pharma 0:42:21 our soft opening / a community-driven site 0:42:47 wrapping things up 0:44:03 rising above our setbacks 0:45:02 closing comments Recording Info — RECORDED: Thursday, December 19, 2024 — LOCATION: Colorado The Podcast PODCAST SITELINKS — PODCAST WEBSITE: — EASING ANXIETY: — YOUTUBE: — X (TWITTER): PODCAST SUMMARY Welcome to “uneven,” a podcast about life, anxiety, and being human. In such a chaotic world, how do we better our lives and the lives of those around us? Maybe, just maybe, we might find a few solutions together. Join veteran podcaster D E Foster as he explores the intimate struggles so many of us experience — often in silence. I hope you’ll join us. PODCAST DISCLAIMER The uneven podcast is for general information purposes only and should never be considered medical, psychological, or any other form of health advice. Health-related information provided is not a substitute for professional advice and should not be used to diagnose or treat health problems or to prescribe any medical devices, psychological treatments, or other remedies. Never disregard medical advice or delay in seeking it. Please visit our website for our complete disclaimer at SUICIDE PREVENTION If you, or anyone you know, is having suicidal thoughts, please seek help immediately. Resources can be found on our website at: PODCAST MUSIC All music provided / licensed through Storyblocks ( uneven theme music — TITLE: From the Earth — ARTIST: Humans Win — PUBLISHER: Lance Conrad (BMI) PODCAST PRODUCTION The Uneven Podcast is part of the Easing Anxiety network ( and is a production of Denim Mountain Press (
- welcome to uneven live: community, relationships, and a sense of self | uneven 62
Welcome to "uneven live!" This is the first of our live weekly episodes recorded right here in the uneven community @ In today's show we discussed community, relationships, anxiety, marriage, koosh balls, and much more. Listen here on our primary podcast carriers: Podbean and YouTube ... Or on these other carriers too: Apple / Spotify / Amazon / iHeart / Podchaser Chapters 0:00:00 welcome to uneven 0:02:50 uneven studio tour 0:03:53 uneven live on thursdays 0:05:42 never too polished 0:06:22 the things we don't talk about 0:08:14 join us in the uneven community 0:08:50 extending our free launch another month 0:11:26 uneven is community driven 0:12:35 live | anxiety | medication 0:17:11 mourning and celebrating aloneness 0:20:45 complaints and conflict in marriage 0:23:58 clarification of community focus 0:25:37 ponderings and pit stains 0:26:21 being okay with our authentic self 0:27:41 anxiety and koosh balls 0:29:37 losing my way / coping crafts 0:32:01 becoming comfortable with yourself 0:34:29 losing our sense of self 0:35:27 you're enough, so be kind to yourself 0:38:20 wrapping things up 0:39:40 a closing slogan, anyone? References the uneven community — — Join now for free Recording Info — RECORDED: Thursday, December 12, 2024 — LOCATION: Colorado The Podcast PODCAST SITELINKS — PODCAST WEBSITE: — EASING ANXIETY: — YOUTUBE: — X (TWITTER): PODCAST SUMMARY Welcome to “uneven,” a podcast about life, anxiety, and being human. In such a chaotic world, how do we better our lives and the lives of those around us? Maybe, just maybe, we might find a few solutions together. Join veteran podcaster D E Foster as he explores the intimate struggles so many of us experience — often in silence. I hope you’ll join us. PODCAST DISCLAIMER The uneven podcast is for general information purposes only and should never be considered medical, psychological, or any other form of health advice. Health-related information provided is not a substitute for professional advice and should not be used to diagnose or treat health problems or to prescribe any medical devices, psychological treatments, or other remedies. Never disregard medical advice or delay in seeking it. Please visit our website for our complete disclaimer at SUICIDE PREVENTION If you, or anyone you know, is having suicidal thoughts, please seek help immediately. Resources can be found on our website at: PODCAST MUSIC All music provided / licensed through Storyblocks ( uneven theme music — TITLE: From the Earth — ARTIST: Humans Win — PUBLISHER: Lance Conrad (BMI) PODCAST PRODUCTION The Uneven Podcast is part of the Easing Anxiety network ( and is a production of Denim Mountain Press (