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Introducing "uneven," a new podcast from Easing Anxiety

On Wednesday, March 20, 2024, Easing Anxiety launched the first five episodes of our new podcast, "uneven." It's a podcast about living life, dealing with anxiety, and surviving the frailties and failures of just being human.

Why "uneven," and why now?

For the past three years, I have been thinking about a new podcast to host in parallel with "The Benzo Free Podcast." While these two podcasts would have some similarities, they would also have distinct differences. To put it simply, Benzo Free would remain about benzos, while the new podcast would be about anxiety.

This new podcast was also to be a bit edgier, more intimate, and less censored than Benzo Free. I would get the opportunity to be more me — and that sounded pretty good.

Some may like it, and some may not. I'm not seeking hits or likes or subscriptions here. It's just me, sharing the struggles that I, and many of you, deal with day in and day out — and making plenty of mistakes along the way. If even a few of you find that helpful, then it was a success in my book.

In January 2023, I started recording episodes for this new podcast on my road trip to Florida. I still didn't even know what I would call it, but I just kept recording. Eventually, I settled on the name "uneven," because for some of us life is a bit askew, a bit off-kilter, a bit uneven. A couple of months later, I had over two dozen episodes in the can — but I still wasn't ready to release them.

Then, on my way home from a road trip to Arizona, I learned of the tragic loss of my friend, Dr. Christy Huff. It was devastating, and after two weeks of emotions and sorrow, I remembered that nobody is promised tomorrow.

So, it was time.

Release Schedule

Over the next week or two I will release all 30 episodes that I have already recorded, with at least one episode posted each day until I am caught up. Yesterday I posted the first five, this morning two more, and tomorrow another one.

During this time, I will not post each release to our mailing list so as not to inundate you all with too many emails. Instead, I will post a periodic summary of recent releases until our queue is empty. You can always find the latest episodes on our website, on our podcast carriers like Apple and Spotify, on social media such as our X feed, or on our YouTube channel.

Once I am caught up, I will post at least one new episode per week, maybe more. I've streamlined my podcasting process for "uneven," and I'm excited to try it out.

Here are links to the first seven episodes. I hope you'll check them out:

  • Episode 1a not-so-perfect start | florida road trip

    • Welcome to “uneven,” a podcast about life, anxiety, and finding our way in this chaotic world. This is the first episode, part of our “prequel.” It’s raw, on the road, and from the gut. We’ll figure out the rest as we go. Thanks for stopping by.

  • Episode 2a bit about me | florida road trip

    • This is the one where I share a bit about me. Every podcast needs one of these episodes, and this is the one. The road trip takes us to a park in Lenexa, Kansas where we also explore life’s interruptions, values, beliefs, and my hopes for the new year.

  • Episode 3waterfalls and comfort zones | florida road trip

    • Cloudland Canyon State Park, Georgia. Sitting near a waterfall on a wooded trail. A brief recap of our time in Nashville. And a look at our comfort zones, and why testing those limitations can be so beneficial.

  • Episode 4 judgment, blame, & connection | florida road trip

    • Road Trip update. Orlando, Florida. Solo again. The loneliness epidemic in the world today. How do we stop judging, blaming, and isolating, and start connecting? Also, a bit homesick, pondering the long drive back with some challenging weather.

  • Episode 5an evening in galaxy's edge | florida road trip

    • Late night in Galaxy’s Edge, Hollywood Studios, Disneyworld. Despite the sound quality issues, I take a few minutes to share my experiences people watching, being alone in a crowd, and why I’m a 58-year-old theme park junkie.

  • Episode 6relationships, depression, and a hotel room | florida road trip

    • Slidell, Louisiana. Wind howls against the motel window as I struggle with a bout of depression, still far from home. We explore the fear of dying alone, the art of compromise in relationships, and the benefits of kindness and understanding.

  • Episode 7gratitude and three laps at walmart | florida road trip

    • Ideas for the podcast come from everywhere, including the Walmart in Slidell, Louisiana. After a very brief encounter at a nearby Walmart, my morning depression lifted, and gratitude became the focus of the day.


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