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about our resources
We believe strongly in getting information from multiple sources. While we try and provide as much information and support as we can here at Easing Anxiety, seeking content from varied providers is always a wise move. Please check out some of the resources below.
Something missing? If you know of a resource you have found helpful and it is not listed here, please let us know via our feedback form. Our list is always growing and we appreciate your input. Thanks.

The resource links listed on this website are provided as a courtesy. They do not constitute an endorsement by Easing Anxiety of the resource or any recommendations or advice provided therein. EA receives no compensation for listing any resource on this site.

our partners

There are a few specific organizations which Easing Anxiety works closely with in the benzo community. These are the leaders in the benzo community and are behind much of the progress in the last 5 - 10 years. We are proud to list these following organizations as our community partners, and we encourage you to check them out.

key information pages
Are you looking for specific information on a topic? Check out some of the pages below. These pages are hosted by Easing Anxiety and some of our partner organizations. They just might might provide you the information you are seeking.

anxiety resources

Finding resources to help you manage your anxiety is like finding a needle in a haystack. There are thousands of reference sources available, but how do you find the one that can help you. Well, perhaps we can help.
Here are some of the ones we have found helpful. I hope you do too.
benzo resources
Anxiety medication can help some people, but for others it can create months, even years of suffering. Finding evidence-based, quality information and support to help navigate the difficult waters of dependence and withdrawal can be critical to one’s success.
Here are some source we have found quite helpful.

film & media

Many individuals have turned to film, videos, and other forms of media to document, inform, and raise awareness about anxiety and the complications with anxiety medications.
We've listed a few of these here for your information.
suicide prevention
There are times in our lives when we lose hope — hope that things will ever get better. This can happen to anyone, anyplace, anytime. But life is never hopeless, and sometimes a compassionate voice can help us realize that.
If you — or someone you know — has had thoughts of suicide, please seek help. There are professionals who understand and care. We all need a little support sometimes, and it's okay to ask for help.

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