What is mindfulness? Does it help with anxiety? Can it help relieve stress? Is mindfulness a religious practice or is it secular? Is it used in therapy? What is MBCT — is it part of mindfulness? Is mindfulness difficult to learn? And, if I am interested in trying it out, how do I get started? Curious about any of these questions? Well, then you might want to watch this video.
Welcome to the first video in our series “101 Anxiety Tips” on Easing Anxiety. I hope you enjoy it. If you like what you see, please subscribe and leave a comment. Thanks for watching, D 🙂
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Video ID: EA024
Watch the Video
00:00 Introduction 01:14 What is Mindfulness 02:55 Mindfulness and Meditation 04:30 Mindfulness and Religion 06:45 Mindfulness Myths 08:00 Mindfulness and Anxiety 08:50 Evidence of Effectiveness 09:30 MBCT 10:24 How to Get Started 11:36 Closing Thoughts
Ackerman, Courtney E. “Top 14 Apps For Meditation and Mindfulness (+ Reviews).” PositivePsychology.com. https://positivepsychology.com/mindfulness-apps.
Beech, Sarah Rudell. “Is Mindfulness a Religion?” The Huffington Post Blog. November 13, 2014. https://www.huffpost.com/entry/is-mindfulness-a-religion_b_6136612.
Bernhard, Toni. “7 Myths About Mindfulness.” Psychology Today. June 5, 2014. https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/turning-straw-gold/201406/7-myths-about-mindfulness.
Booth, Robert. “Master of mindfulness, Jon Kabat-Zinn: ‘People are losing their minds. That is what we need to wake up to.’” The Guardian. October 22, 2017. https://www.theguardian.com/lifeandstyle/2017/oct/22/mindfulness-jon-kabat-zinn-depression-trump-grenfell.
Hofmann, Stefan G, Alice T Sawyer, Ashley A Witt, and Diana Oh. “The effect of mindfulness-based therapy on anxiety and depression: A meta-analytic review.” Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology. 78(2) April 2010:169-83. doi: 10.1037/a0018555.
“Mindfulness exercises.” Mayo Clinic / Healthy Lifestyle. https://www.mayoclinic.org/healthy-lifestyle/consumer-health/in-depth/mindfulness-exercises/art-20046356.
“Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy.” Psychology Today Website. https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/therapy-types/mindfulness-based-cognitive-therapy.
Mineo, Liz. “With mindfulness, life’s in the moment.” The Harvard Gazette. April 17, 2018. https://news.harvard.edu/gazette/story/2018/04/less-stress-clearer-thoughts-with-mindfulness-meditation.
Schultz, Joshua. “5 Differences Between Mindfulness and Meditation.” PositivePsychology.com. January 9, 2020. https://positivepsychology.com/differences-between-mindfulness-meditation.
“Why Mindfulness isn’t Christian.” Christian News Journal. August 22, 2020. https://christiannewsjournal.com/the-dark-side-of-mindfulness.
Willams, J. Mark G. and Willem Kuyken. “Mindfulness-based cognitive therapy: a promising new approach to preventing depressive relapse.” The British Journal of Psychiatry. 200(5) May 2012. p359-360. https://doi.org/10.1192/bjp.bp.111.104745 .
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All videos / images not created in-house were provided / licensed by… — Storyblocks.com — Pixabay.com — Pexels.com — FreeImages.com
Still Image of Jon Kabat-Zinn — by Mari Smith – Flickr: Jon Kabat-Zinn, CC BY 2.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=15187615
Music licensed by Storyblocks Audio — https://www.audioblocks.com
“101 Anxiety Tips” Theme Song — TITLE: “Summer Acoustic Pop” — ARTIST: James Grant
Teaser Music: “Golden Spirit” by Alexander Collier & Josh Smoa
Question Transition Music: “Passing Thoughts” by Patrick Smith
Meditation Music: “Meditation” by Michele Nobler
Worry Music: “Cinematic Drums & Choir Voices” by Keith Anthony Holden
Closing Upbeat Music: “Upbeat Corporate Success” by James Grant
Produced by
Easing Anxiety is produced by… Denim Mountain Press https://www.denimmountainpress.com
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